+ 65/ 3165 1030

Promote the energy transition by acting on every step of renewable energy development to allocate funds in climate resilient infrastructure assets based on a connected asset strategy.
Engagement 33 is a global impact investment platform for investors, based on sales of turnkey sustainable energy project pipelines and Power Purchase Agreements ( PPA) to secure long-term investments, positive cash flows, hedging of green energy and appropriate risk mitigation.
E33 refers to the COP21 targets and is following up as an Engagement 33 to fulfill and extend the contracted goals.

Who We Are
E33 combines a dual technical and financial approach which allows to access the multidimensional complexity of large scale wind power projects and makes it possible to bring together the needs and responsibilities of each of the stakeholders.This approach makes it possible to de-risk the investment in wind power plants and thus to make wind power assets liquid.E33's disruptive merchant banking concept goes beyond the common used technical one by removing obstacles, control and limit the financial risks and optimize the return on capital invested. The business model of E33 is the duplication of a proven and adoptive way of risk sharing for all involved parties without any conflict of interest.This concept will allow to bring together the requirements and responsibilities of each stakeholder as project developers, turbine suppliers, long-term yield searching financial investors and PPA off-takers.
The goal is to erect additional sustainable energy capacity or to replace fossil-based capacity.
The activity is based on a pipeline of projects commitment to underline its long-term vision approach.
• Independent and privately-controlled impact business platform
• An entrepreneurial experienced real approach which is not only based on an analytical vision
• Activity is supported by stand -alone or pool of family offices, corporate as well as institutional financial long-term investors
• Proven concept since 2002, where founders started to develop large scale on-shore wind power through different structure which were streamlined in 2023 through the creation of the holding entity E33 Luxembourg
• Global project pipeline of 10 GW (planned to grow up to 15 GW)

Custom made exit structure for development pipelines
Value for Project Developers
E33 purpose is to create long-term relations with local developers on a world-wide scale. As an entrepreneurial driven approach with a long-term experience in developing, financing and operating of their own and external wind-power projects in the past the shareholders are looking to duplicate their successful approach to align interests for developing parties and financial investors without disturbing ancillary costs as retainers or consulting fees. E33 supports a selected development party with a clear custom-made exit structure to concentrate on the development by mitigating the involved risks.
Fast and short decision process
Pipeline of projects approach
Support in power tenders
Support in grid connection guarantees
Support in financial modeling
PPA sourcing and/or negotiation support
Hybrid renewable approach
Optimization in operational aspects including storage solutions
Preferable supplier arrangements
Access to mezzanine financing solutions for construction period
Access to Green bonds
MDBs support
R&D activities for optimization and upcoming technologies

De-risked long-term inflation linked yields
Value for long-term yield seeking investors
The worldwide occupation leads to pipelines of on/offshore wind-power projects in different areas, continents and currencies with attractive long-term contracted and inflation protected cash flows.
All pipelines have a certain kind of deal scale with a P90 approach to enable same thinking stand-alone or pooled long-term financial investors to commit an important amount of funds in a low cost/ investment ratio.The diligence and procurement process is aligned on IFC requirements.
E33 anticipates to combine technical and financial knowledge including an inventive AI approach to propose an interesting conservative calculated IRR based investment solution to the financial investment community through custom made concepts with a discrete entrepreneurial approach without paying management, success or performance fees. Involved suppliers are high -end international certified turbine manufactures as well as long-time experienced construction companies which are supervised by external control entities to minimize any future operational risks.
This includes a long-term experienced operation partner on a minority base which will avoid any risk of downside if the financial investor decides to sell off its majority participation.
E33 is working
on stand-alone or pool-investments scenarios.

Long term carbon pledges from an economic and environmental aspect
Value for Corporates
A stronghold of the holding activity is the initiation of additional stand-alone or pool of corporate investors which are not active on the market yet to introduce corporates in direct investments from a financial and operational point of view.
The business activity is based on structuring frameworks for large-scale sustainable infrastructure investments in partnership with a strong operational partner that enable stand alone or a pool of identified financial/ corporate long-term investors to have durable cash flows and appropriately distribute the risk across the involved parties. Main advantages for corporate investors through direct investments in sustainable energy projects are carbon pledges on their activities, tax advantages, easy exit possibilities in case of cash needs. Corporate investors as Apple, Google, Ikea, Microsoft, Nike and GFG among others are convinced from an economic and environmental aspect. E33 is looking to create and support custom made solutions for stand-alone or pool of corporate investors.
Additional E33 is involved in industrial de-carbonization mechanism due of strong requests of its various family investors as well as corporates which includes as well Power to X projects.

Stable attractive and optimized worldwide sustainable energy supply
Value for Corporate PPA off-takers
E33 is supporting energy off-takers to get a fixed long-term price of energy and to de-risk any carbon print in their actual and future energy consumption through PPA's and Virtual PPA's.
One point of contact for different operating countries underlines the efficiency in the procurement of new sustainable energy resources.
E33 is focused on innovative and creative contracting structures that work well for both buyers and sellers.
The platform is mapping energy consumption profile at various level of the production process of PPA off-takers to ensure that enough capacity is build and connected in a timely manner.
E33 is supporting an Internal model based on hybrid or reverse auctions to underline a multi country approach if applicable due of interconnection concerns.
The activity is supporting also external PPA requests which are outside of its own pipeline of projects but possible due of its world-wide approach.
The add on value for a corporate sustainable power off-takers is that E33 is proposing internal or external projects on a worldwide scale without attached up-front costs. The activity is sourcing power where it is needed.

Team Leaders

CEO_Michael Stein
Co-Founder & Board Member
Mr. Michael Stein a german born citizen has 15+ years experience in investing, managing and selling own and external renewable energy assets and its attached infrastructure.Â
His roots are in the communication and entertainment industry through different ventures which he successful exited. Due of family assets in the renewable energy sector he is familiar with all attached technical and financial modeling from young years on.
As Co-founder of E33 he has a management role of the teams and is focused on sourcing and execution of upstream and downstream PPA's as well as industrial partnerships.

CSO_ Jean Pierre Lecorcier
Co-Founder & Board Member
Mr. Jean Pierre Lecorcier a French born citizen has 22+ years’ experience as investor, developer, operator and maintenance of wind power projects with multiple successful exits. His roots are in the accounting industry and as independent auditor with a multiple entrepreneurial approach and additional through various activities in renewable energy which set up the ground for his technical knowledge of mechanical engineering. In this function he is supporting additional wind power projects as technical advisor for utilities and funds.
As Co-founder of E33 he is focused on the strategy  as well as financial and technical engineering. Mr. Lecorcier will also head all optimizations processes.